PIN2UCF Options
The -o and -r options are the only PIN2UCF option.
-o (Output File Name)
-o outfile[.ucf]
Specifies the name of the output UCF file for the design. The -o option is useful in the following ways.
- The UCF file used for the design has a different root name than the design name. By default, PIN2UCF writes a ncd_file.ucf file if
-o is not specified. You can use this option to write the (append) pin locking constraints to the UCF file with a different root name.
- You want to write a UCF file to a different directory.
-r (Write to a Report File)
-r report_file_name
Writes the PIN2UCF report into the specified report file. If this option is not used, then a pinlock.rpt file is automatically written to the current directory.