NGDBuild Files
This section describes the NGDBuild input and output files.
Input Files
The input files to NGDBuild are the following.
- Design file - The input design can be an XNF or EDIF 2 0 0 netlist. If the input netlist is in another format that the Netlister Launcher recognizes, the Netlister Launcher invokes the program necessary to convert the netlist to EDIF or XNF format, then invokes the appropriate netlist reader, EDIF2NGD or XNF2NGD.
With the default Netlister Launcher options, NGDBuild recognizes and processes files with the extensions shown in the following table.
Netlist Type
| Recognized Extensions
| .edn, .edf, .edif, .sedif
| .xnf, .xtf, .xff, .xg, .sxnf
| .pld
- UCF file - User Constraints File. This file is an ASCII file that you create. The file contains timing and layout constraints that affect how the logical design is implemented in the target device. The constraints in the file are added to the information in the output NGD file.
By default, NGDBuild reads the constraints in the UCF file automatically if the UCF file has the same base name as the input design file and a .ucf extension. You can override the default behavior and specify a different constraints file by entering a -uc option to the NGDBuild command line.
- NCF file - Netlist Constraints File. Produced by a CAE vendor toolset, this file contains constraints specified within the toolset. The netlist reader invoked by NGDBuild reads the constraints in this file if the NCF file has the same name as the input netlist file. It adds the constraints to the intermediate NGO file and the output NGD file.
NOTEIf the NGO file for a netlist file is up to date, NGDBuild looks for an NCF file with the same base name as the netlist in the netlist directory and compares the timestamp of the NCF file against that of the NGO file. If the NCF file is newer, XNF2NGD or EDIF2NGD is run again. However, if an NCF file existed on a previous run of NGDBuild and the NCF file was deleted, NGDBuild does not detect that XNF2NGD or EDIF2NGD must be run again. In this case, you must use the nt -on option to force a rebuild.
- NGC file - Binary file containing the implementation of a module in the design. If an NGC file exists for a module, NGDBuild reads this file directly, without looking for a source EDIF or XNF netlist. In HDL design flows, LogiBLOX creates an NGC file to define each module.
- NMC files - Physical Macros. These binary files contain the implementation of a physical macro instantiated in the design. NGDBuild reads the NMC file to create a behavioral simulation model for the macro.
- MEM files - LogiBLOX Memory Definition Files. These text files define the contents of LogiBLOX memory modules. NGDBuild reads MEM files in design flows where LogiBLOX does not create NGC files directly. See the Module Descriptions chapter of the LogiBLOX Reference/User Guide for details.
Unless a full path is provided to NGDBuild, it searches for netlist, NGC, NMC, and MEM files in the following locations.
- The working directory from which NGDBuild was invoked
- The path specified for the top-level design netlist on the NGDBuild command line
- Any path specified with the -sd switch on the NGDBuild command line
Output Files
Output from NGDBuild consists of the following files.
- NGD file - Binary file containing a logical description of the design in terms of both its original components and hierarchy and the NGD primitives to which the design reduces.
- BLD file - Build report file containing information about the NGDBuild run. The BLD file has the same root name as the output NGD file and a .bld extension. The file is written into the same directory as the output NGD file.
Intermediate Files
NGO files - (Not shown in the NGDBuild Design Flow figure) Binary files containing a logical description of the design in terms of its original components and hierarchy. These files are created when NGDBuild reads the input netlist. If these files already exist, NGDBuild reads the existing files. If these files do not exist or are out of date, NGDBuild creates them.