
The MAP Report (MRP) File

The MAP report (MRP) file is an ASCII (text) file containing information about the MAP command run. Although detailed information varies depending upon the device to which you have mapped, the format of the file is the same regardless of the device used.


The MRP file is formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the report uses a proportional font, the columns in the report do not line up correctly.

A sample MRP file is shown below. This is an abbreviated file - most MAP report files are considerably larger than the one shown below.

The report file is divided into a number of sections. Sections appear in the report file even if they are empty (that is, even if there are no messages that apply to them).

These are the sections in the MAP report file.

This section also indicates which nets were merged (that is, two nets were combined when a component separating them was removed).

In this section, if the removal of a signal or symbol results in the subsequent removal of an additional signal or symbol, the line describing the subsequent removal is indented. This indentation is repeated as a chain of related logic is removed. To quickly locate the cause for the removal of a chain of logic, look above the entry in which you are interested and locate the top-level line, which is not indented.

A sample MAP Report (MRP) file is shown below.


The MAP Report is formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the report uses a proportional font, the columns in the report do not line up correctly.

             Xilinx Mapping Report File for Design “main_pcb”
              Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Design Information
    Command Line   : map -p xc4006epq160-4 main_pcb.ngd 
    Target Device  : x4006e
    Target Package : pq160
    Target Speed   : -4
    Mapper Version : xc4000e -- M1.5.15
    Mapped Date   : Tue Apr 28 09:41:41 1998 
Design Summary
       Number of errors:        0
       Number of warnings:      0
       Number of CLBs:            248 out of   256   96%
          CLB Flip Flops:     311
          4 input LUTs:       394 (7 used as route-throughs)
          3 input LUTs:       138 (28 used as route-throughs)
          16X1 RAMs:           19
       Number of bonded IOBs:      95 out of   128   74%
          IOB Flops:            7
          IOB Latches:          5
       Number of clock IOB pads:    3 out of     8   37%
       Number of primary CLKs:      2 out of     4   50%
       Number of secondary CLKs:    2 out of     4   50%
       Number of RPM macros:        4
       Number of testdata:          1
       2 unrelated functions packed into 2 CLBs.
       (Less than 1% of the CLBs used are affected.) 
Total equivalent gate count for design: 6213
    Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs:    4608 
Table of Contents
    Section 1 - Errors
    Section 2 - Warnings
    Section 3 - Design Attributes
    Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary
    Section 5 - Removed Logic
    Section 6 - Added Logic
    Section 7 - Expanded Logic
    Section 8 - Signal Cross-Reference
    Section 9 - Symbol Cross-reference
    Section 10 - IOB Properties
    Section 11 - RPMs
    Section 12 - Guide Report
    Section 1 - Errors
    Section 2 - Warnings
    Section 3 - Design Attributes
     Attribute LOC
       “P117” for signal(s) D24 on symbol “D24.PAD”
       “P113” for signal(s) D25 on symbol “D25.PAD”
       “P106” for signal(s) D26 on symbol “D26.PAD”
       “P152” for signal(s) INC_IDX_DBG on symbol “INC_IDX_DBG.PAD”
       “P129” for signal(s) XMT_PND_DBG on symbol “XMT_PND_DBG.PAD”
    Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary
       6 block(s) removed
       6 block(s) optimized away
      11 signal(s) removed 
Section 5 - Removed Logic
    The trimmed logic report below shows the logic removed from your design due to sourceless or loadless signals, and VCC or ground connections.  If the removal of a signal or symbol results in the subsequent removal of an additional signal or symbol, the message explaining that second removal will be indented.  This indentation will be repeated as a chain of related logic is removed. 
   To quickly locate the original cause for the removal of a chain of logic, look above the place where that logic is listed in the trimming report, then locate the lines that are least indented (begin at the leftmost edge). 
   The signal "$2I194/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$2I194/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$2I206/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$2I206/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$2I226/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$2I226/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$2I236/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$2I236/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$2I286/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$2I286/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$3I565/O" is loadless and has been removed.
     Loadless block "$3I565/BUF" (X_BUF) removed.
    The signal "$2I194/GE" is sourceless and has been removed.
    The signal "$2I206/GE" is sourceless and has been removed.
    The signal "$2I226/GE" is sourceless and has been removed.
    The signal "$2I236/GE" is sourceless and has been removed.
    The signal "$2I286/GE" is sourceless and has been removed. 
   Optimized Block(s): 
   TYPE            BLOCK 
    X_ZERO          DE/MX/GND.ZERO
    X_INV           $4I248/INTBUF
    X_INV           $4I528/INTBUF
    X_ZERO          GND.ZERO
    X_ONE           VCC.ONE 
   To enable printing of redundant blocks removed and signals merged, set the environment variable MAP_REPORT_DETAIL to TRUE and rerun map.
    Section 6 - Added Logic
Section 7 - Expanded Logic
    To enable this section, set the environment variable MAP_REPORT_DETAIL to TRUE and rerun map. 
   Section 8 - Signal Cross-Reference
    To enable this section, set the environment variable MAP_REPORT_DETAIL to TRUE and rerun map. 
   Section 9 - Symbol Cross-Reference
    To enable this section, set the environment variable MAP_REPORT_DETAIL to TRUE and rerun map.
   Section 10 - IOB Properties
   Section 11 - RPMs
    $3I283/hset                              - 5 comps
    $6I223/hset                              - 4 comps
    DE/$1I385/hset                           - 5 comps
    DE/VR/$1I2/hset                          - 9 comps
   Section 12 - Guide Report
    Guide not run on this design. 