After you create a design version, you can try different implementation strategies on that design. For instance, you can reduce area, increase speed, and vary placement effort. Each set of implementation strategies makes up a new implementation revision. Generating new implementation revisions allows you to vary how your design is implemented in order to achieve your design objectives.
You can select new options or target a new device to change the way your design is implemented. Targeting a new device allows you to try your design in various devices to determine the most suitable fit. For example, if a particular device proves to be too large or too slow for your needs, you can select a smaller or faster target device from a different family.
When you create an implementation revision, an implementation revision icon is placed in the Design Manager project view. Each time you create a new implementation revision, you must enter the name and target part of your design. The implementation revision name, implementation state, implementation status, and any user comments for the implementation revision are indicated next to its icon in the project view when you process the implementation.
Replace or delete implementation revisions that are no longer useful.