
Saving a Design File

You can save your design at any time during an EPIC session in one of these variations.


The first two methods are described following. The procedure for saving a design as a macro library file is described in the “Working with Physical Macros” chapter.

With the Same Name

To save your current design, select Save in the File menu. The current design file is written to disk.

With a Different Name

  1. Select Save As in the File menu.

    Figure 3.3 The Save As Dialog Box

  2. Enter a file name in the new Design File field.

    Optionally, click the Browse button to specify the name and directory.

    If you do not add the .ncd extension, the extension is automatically appended to the file name. If you do not enter a full path name, the file is saved in the current working directory (the directory from which you started EPIC).

  3. If applicable, enter the constraints file name to apply to the design in the Constraints File field.

    Optionally, click the Browse button to specify the name and directory. If you do not enter a file name in the Constraints File field, a constraint file is saved with the same name as the .ncd file but with a.pcf extension. A constraints file is created only if there are existing constraints associated with your design.

  4. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes, and the design file and constraints files are saved with the names you specified. The file name in the banner at the top of the EPIC window changes to indicate that this new file is currently displayed in the window. When you later save or exit the file, it is saved to the new file name, not the original file.
