
Edit Menu

The Edit menu commands modify the configuration of the design in the EPIC window. It also displays and modifies attributes for EPIC objects. The commands on the Edit menu are the following.

Adds an object to the design's database.
Add Path
Adds a path to the design's constraint database.
Add Macro
Adds a macro instance to the design's database.
Copies the internal logic from one logic block to another.
Deletes selected objects from the design. Do not use Delete if you just want to unplace a component.
Edit Block...
Starts the Logic Block Editor, which allows you to edit the internal logic of a selected programmable component.
Moves a component to another site or swaps locations between two components of the same type. Also swaps pins on a component.
Disassociates the macro components and nets from the macro, and deletes the macro instance from the database.
Undo Last Action
Restores EPIC to the state that it was in before the last command.
Undo Last Change
Restores EPIC to the state that it was in before the last design change.
