
Macro Terminology

These definitions are specific to macros. See the “Macro Terminology” figure.

macro library file

A file containing the definition of a macro. Macro library files, which have an .nmc extension, are created and edited in EPIC, operating in Macro Mode.

macro instance

A copy of a macro library file inserted in a design file. When you add a macro instance to a design, you “instantiate” the macro. A design may contain multiple instances of the same library file, and each will receive a unique name. Because the library file is copied into the design file when you instantiate a macro, if you then change the library file, the changes will not be reflected in the macro instantiated in the design file. In this manual, “macro” may be used instead of “macro instance.” A macro library file will always be referred to as a “macro library file.”

pre-placed component

A component that is placed in the macro library file.

pre-routed net

A net that is completely routed in the macro library file.


When you instantiate a pre-routed macro into a design, the design can require a substantially longer time to place and route, depending on the routing complexity.

reference component

A component in the macro library file used as a reference when a macro instance is placed, moved, or copied. Placement and routing of all other pre-placed macro components are determined relative to this component. If at least one of the macro's components is pre-placed, the macro will have a reference component. If none of the macro components are pre-placed, the macro will not have a reference component.

external pin

A macro pin used to connect the components in an instantiated macro to other components in the design (outside of the macro).

internal net

A net within the macro library file that does not have a connection to any of the macro's external pins.

external net

A net outside of a macro instance connected to one of the macro's external pins. Part of an external net may lie within the macro, if the macro library file contained a net which was connected to an external pin.


To disassociate a macro's components and nets from the macro. When you unbind a macro, the macro name disappears from the design's database. All of the components and nets formerly in the macro are then treated as separate components and nets.

Figure 5.2 Macro Terminology
