
Workstation Environment

Before running any software, you must make sure that your workstation environment is set up properly. The following are required to process Xilinx designs using the Synopsys interface:

  1. Set the Xilinx environment variable to the Xilinx installation directory:

    setenv XILINX xilinx_path

  2. Set the Synopsys environment variable to the Synopsys software directory:

    setenv SYNOPSYS synopsys_path

  3. Add the following Xilinx executable directory to your path (in addition to all executable directories required by Synopsys software):

set path=( \

$XILINX/bin/platform \


where platform is sol (for Solaris) or hp (for Hewlett-Packard).`


In UNIX and DC Shell commands shown in this book, where text is too long to print on one line, the back-slash (\) character at the end of a line is used to indicate a continuation line. In actual usage, continuation line breaks are optional and may occur at any legal point in the command line.
