
Fitting Your Design

Using Design Manager Interface

You can start the Design Manager from the command line by entering the following command:


Creating a New Project

After opening the Design Manager for the first time, you must create a new project for your design.

A project includes all design versions, implementation revisions, reports, and any other Xilinx data created while you work with a design. The Design Manager graphically displays information about these items in the project view. When you create a new project, you specify a design to open and a directory for the project. You can create as many projects as you want, but you can only work with one at a time.

The following procedure explains how to create a new project by importing a design.

  1. Select File New Project from the Design Manager menu.

    The New Project dialog box appears, as shown in the “New Project Dialog Box” figure.

    Figure 3.1 New Project Dialog Box

  2. Specify a design file to open using one of the following methods.

  3. In the New Project dialog box, click OK.

    After your design has loaded, the Design Manager window appears, configured for the loaded design.

To Implement a Design

The following procedure describes how to implement a design automatically from the Design Manager.

  1. Select Design Implement from the Design Manager menu.

    The Implement dialog box appears, as shown in the “Implement Dialog Box” figure. The options in this dialog box are described in the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide.

    Figure 3.2 Implement Dialog Box

  2. In the Implement dialog box, click on the Select button to the right of the Part text field.

    The Part Selector appears, as shown in the “Part Selector Dialog Box” figure.

    Figure 3.3 Part Selector Dialog Box

  3. Select the family, device, package, and speed grade.

    By default, the CPLD fitter automatically selects the device, package and speed for you. You can select any specific device, package or speed, or leave any of these boxes as “All.”

    For a specific explanation of each option, see the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide.

  4. Click on OK to set the part type.

  5. To set design implementation options, click on the Options button in the Implement dialog box.

    The Options dialog box appears, as shown in the “Options Dialog Box” figure.

    Figure 3.4 Options Dialog Box

  6. Select desired options, such as templates to use and reports to generate.

    For a specific explanation of each option see the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide. The “Implementation Options” chapter discusses all implementation options for the XC9500 and XC9500XL CPLD families, including Simulation Data Options.

  7. Click on OK to set the options.

  8. In the Implement dialog box, enter a version and revision name if you want to change the default names.

  9. Click on the Run button to implement the design.

    The Flow Engine window appears. When processing is complete, the Flow Engine closes and the Implementation Status dialog box, shown in the “Implementation Status Dialog Box” figure, appears.

    Figure 3.5 Implementation Status Dialog Box

  10. In the Implementation Status dialog box, click on Reports to view the reports generated by the Flow Engine or click on View Logfile to view the implementation logfile.


At this point you can also perform timing simulation and program the device. Timing simulation is described in the Interface User Guide for your system. Device programming is described in the JTAG Programmer Guide.

Using Unix Command Line

The cpld command is used to invoke the Xilinx CPLD fitter software. CPLD uses the logical design produced by the Synopsys compiler to create a physical layout for a target CPLD.

To invoke the fitter, enter the following Xilinx command on the UNIX command line:

cpld [options] design_name

Invoking the cpld command with no parameters produces a listing of all available command-line options.

The design_name is the name of the netlist file produced by the Synopsys compiler, without path qualifiers, and either with or without the extension, .sedif.

If design_name is specified without extension, the cpld command automatically searches for and reads the netlist with file extension .sedif as produced by Synopsys FPGA Compiler and Design Compiler. The cpld command also accepts files with extensions .edif, .edn, .xnf, .sxnf and .pld. If you happen to have any files with the same name as your design and with one of these other extensions, you should remove them from your design directory before running the cpld command to prevent the wrong file from being read inadvertently.

If you do not specify any optional parameters, the fitter automatically selects a device from the XC9500 family which fits your design (if possible).

The cpld command performs the following functions:

Whenever the cpld command is invoked, it copies any existing fitter report file (.rpt), timing report file (.tim), guide file (.gyd), and programming file (.jed) to a subdirectory named "backup.".

CPLD Command Parameters

The [options] field of the cpld command represents an optional list of one or more command-line parameters. The following are the cpld command-line parameters that apply to Synopsys design entry:
