
Using a Constraints File

Use a constraints file to supply constraints information in a textual form rather than putting it on a schematic (a method sometimes more efficient than putting constraints on a schematic). An example of a constraints file, the calc_4ke.ucf (supplied with this tutorial), appears in this section. The constraints file syntax is the same for all families.

You must instruct the place and route software to read and apply the .ucf file when the design reads into the Xilinx Design Manager.

net SWITCH7     LOC=p19;
net SWITCH6      LOC=p20;
net SWITCH5      LOC=p23;
net SWITCH4      LOC=p24;
net SWITCH3      LOC=p25;
net SWITCH2      LOC=p26;
net SWITCH1      LOC=p27;
net SWITCH0      LOC=p28;

net A            LOC=p49;
net B            LOC=p48;
net C            LOC=p47;
net D            LOC=p46;
net E            LOC=p45;
net F            LOC=p50;
net G            LOC=p51;
net OFL          LOC=p41;

net GAUGE3       LOC=p61;
net GAUGE2       LOC=p62;
net GAUGE1       LOC=p65;
net GAUGE0       LOC=p66;

net STACKLED3    LOC=p57;
net STACKLED2    LOC=p58;
net STACKLED1    LOC=p59;
# net STACKLED0  LOC=p60;


Because you only specified a pin location for one of the many inputs and outputs on the Calc schematic, you must use a constraints file to place the rest. The “Using the Xilinx Design Manager” section describes this procedure.
