
Targeting the Design for the XC9500 Family

The incomplete calc_vl design is configured for an XC4003E-PC84 part. If you want to target a demonstration board with this device, go to the “Completing the Calc Design” section. If targeting the tutorial design for an XC95xxx-PC84 (no demonstration board available), you must convert the design to reference the XC9000 library instead of the XC4000E library.

The procedure provided in this section allows you to change every Xilinx component in the Calc design from the XC4000E library to the XC9000 library. Using the Unified Libraries to create the design causes identical footprints and pinouts for the components common to both the XC4000E and XC9000 libraries. You can easily retarget designs to a different device family, provided you use only library parts common to the two families. You must manually replace any library parts not common to both families. This example shows a situation where this can happen.


Although an XC4000E-to-XC9500 conversion appears here, use this procedure to retarget from any Xilinx family to any other Xilinx family.

Use the following steps to retarget the Calc design to the XC9500 family.

  1. Close the Calc schematic window and the ViewDraw tool.

  2. Open an MS-DOS session and change the current directory to the project directory.

  3. Run the ALTRAN command with the following syntax.

    altran -l library old_alias=new_alias

    For example, to change a project from the XC4000E family to the XC9500, enter the following.

    altran -l primary xc4000e=xc9000

    Altran changes the library aliases in all of the schematic sheets in the specified library directory. Altran also modifies the alias of the targeted library in the Viewdraw.ini file.

  4. After running ALTRAN, open the Workview Office Project Manager; note the unchanged libraries. Select Project Libraries to modify the Library Search Order.

  5. Select the Xilinx family library. In the Path field, change the path so it points to the XC9000 library directory. In the Alias field, change the value to XC9000. Click on Change, then OK.

  6. Save the changes in the Project Manager.

Now you can re-open ViewDraw and open the desired schematic. Only components in the current technology with equivalents in the target technology translate. Those components without an equivalent in the target technology do not appear in the converted schematics. For example, an XC4000E RAM component has no equivalent in an XC9500 device. Therefore, if you convert an XC4000E design with RAM components to an XC9500 design, the RAM components appear as white boxes on the converted schematic. You must manually modify these portions of your design.
