Browse the RTL Model

We automatically generate html-format documentation from RTL source files using a public domain tool called v2html. Using the documentation generated by this tool, you can browse through the RTL design hierarchy. This is a quick way to get familiar with the RTL source code.

The html-format RTL source browsing documentation requires about 26MB of disk space when it is uncompressed. They are zipped (compressed) in the source distribution. The steps to unzip (uncompress) these files are:

  2. gunzip design_html.tar.gz
    or uncompress design_html.tar.Z
  3. tar -xvf design_html.tar

Browsing the picoJava-II RTL sources

To find a particular module, task, function, signal, or file, browse through the following indexes:

Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA. All rights reserved.

Last modified 24-March-1999