Building the RTL Model

To simulate the picoJavaTM-II RTL core, you need a Verilog simulator such as Cadence's Verilog-XLTM or Synopsys's VCSTM. Though the design is likely to work correctly with other Verilog simulators, the picoJava-II core has been extensively tested only with these two simulators.

Before building the RTL model, you need to have set up your environment. These sections step you through the process of building a picoJava-II RTL model.

Configuring the core

The default configuration of the core is:

  • 16KB I-Cache,
  • 16KB D-Cache
  • FPU present

If you need to change the configuration of the core, follow these instructions.

Compiling a custom Cadence Verilog-XL executable

The custom Verilog executable for the picoJava-II environment is called pj2vlog. The steps to compile pj2vlog are:

  1. cd into the $DSVHOME directory.
  2. Look at the verilog/src/
    Verify that you have the correct libaries necessary for the version of Verilog-XL that you are using. The default settings here refer to Verilog-XL 2.3.3 from the 95.04 release. Other setting are given for various other versions that have been successfully compiled. For more information, go to
    Cadence Verilog-XL.
  3. Type make pj2vlog. This builds the custom executable pj2vlog in the $DSVHOME/bin directory if everything builds correctly.
  4. A quick way to check if you build pj2vlog correctly is to run some sample tests.

Compiling a custom Synopsys VCS executable

The custom VCS executable for the picoJava-II environment is called pj2vcs. The steps to compile pj2vcs are:

  1. cd into the $DSVHOME directory.
  2. Verify that the command vcs is in your search path.
  3. Type make pj2vcs. This builds the custom executable pj2vcs in the $DSVHOME/bin directory
    if everything builds correctly.
  4. A quick way to check if you build pj2vcs correctly is to run some sample tests.

Adding Signalscan and other 3rd party PLIs

You can view graphical waveforms of the logic inside the picoJava-II core using the SignalscanTM tool from Design Automation. If you have access to Signalscan and would like to be able to use it, you need to add in support for Signalscan when building the custom RTL model.

Support for generating DAI's Signalscan database of the simulation is included in the picoJava-II testbench environment. By default, this support is not enabled.

To enable this feature, you must define SIGNALSCAN in $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/env/sys.h.

The steps to produce a Verilog/VCS executable, which includes the PLIs are:


  1. cd into $DSVHOME/verilog/src.
  2. Modify pj_user.c to add the new PLI functions.
  3. Modify to include the PLI libraries in the EXTRA_LIB line.
  4. Compile the executable as described above.


  1. cd into $DSVHOME/verilog/src.
  2. Modify to add the new PLI functions.
  3. Modify $DSVHOME/bin/vcsc to include the PLI libraries in the vcs compile line.
  4. Compile the executable as described above.

You can follow these steps for linking in any third-party (or even your own) PLI routines.

Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA. All rights reserved.

Last modified 24-March-1999