Running Sample Tests

Run sample tests in Verilog-XL
Run sample tests in vcs
Run sample tests in cosimulation

The following 5 sample test cases that have been precompiled and are present in the directory $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/test/sample_tests.

dcu_2_7.classTests load cache hits
icu_3_1_1.classTests Icache control during ICache hits.
push_pop_1.class 256 pushes, 256 pops. This test verifies the normal conditions of the stack manager. In filing up the stack cache with 256 entries, the Dribble Manager fills and spills entries according to the settings of the high and low watermarks.
FADD_000.classTests the FADD operation.
arithm_int.class Verifies the results of iadd, isub, idiv, imul, irem and ineg. This test picks operands arbitrarily and performs one calculation for each intruction.

Run Sample Tests in Verilog-XL

  1. Make sure that the "pj2vlog" binary is in your shell's search path. If you want to build pj2vlog, here is how.

  2. Change directory into the test directory, e.g., cd FADD_000.

  3. Make sure there is link to the picoJava-II directory. This will tell verilog where to look for the rtl files.

  4. Type "pj2vlog -f $VFILES_PATH". The output from the simulation will be sent to standard IO.

Run Sample Tests in vcs

  1. Make sure that the "pj2vcs" binary is in your shell's search path. If you want to build pj2vcs, here is how.

  2. Change directory into the test directory, e.g., cd FADD_000.

  3. Type "pj2vcs". The output from the simulation will be sent to standard IO.

Run Sample Tests in cosimulation

  1. Make sure that the "ias" and "pj2vlog(or pj2vcs" binary is in your shell's search path. If you want to build pj2vlog, here is how. If you want to build pj2vcs, here is how.

  2. Change directory into the test directory, e.g., cd FADD_000.

  3. Execute pj2vlog from this directory with the following option:
    pj2vlog -f +cosim+ias $VFILES_PATH
    Or execute pj2vcs from this directory with the following option:
    pj2vcs +cosim+ias

    Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA. All rights reserved.

    Last modified 24-March-1999