Setting up Your Environment

To use the picoJava-II source distribution, you need to set the following environment variables first: (if your shell is csh, type the following commands, if you are using sh type: variable=value; export variable)

setenv PICOJAVAHOME directory where you untar the distribution
setenv PROJECT picoJava-II
setenv CLASSPATH ${DSVHOME}:${DSVHOME}/class:.
setenv PATH $DSVHOME/bin:$PATH

If you plan on building the instruction-accurate simulator or the RTL model, you need to set the following variables:

setenv CC_NAME the name of your C compiler, eg. cc or gcc
setenv CC_FLAGS the optimization flags for the C compiler, eg. -O

If you plan on running RTL simulations using Cadence Verilog-XL, you must set the following variables:

setenv VERITOOLS_PATH path to the veritools directory
setenv VLOG_PATH path to Verilog directory, eg. $VERITOOLS_PATH/verilog
setenv VLOG_NAME pj2vlog

If you plan on running RTL simulations using Synopsys VCS, you need to make sure 'vcs' is on your path and you must set the following variable:

setenv VCS_NAME pj2vcs

If you plan on using the steam script to run tests, you must set the following variable:


Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA. All rights reserved.

Last modified 24-March-1999