Steam Usage

This is a simple guide for using the steam script. For detailed information on steam, please refer to Chapter 4 of Verification Guide.

To get a list of options, type "steam -h" or "steam -help". Before you use steam, you need to set up your environment.

suite.control file

steam uses a file "suite.control" to determine which tests to run and what options to apply to each test. Following is a sample suite.control file.

files = class/$this.class
flags = -vlog -rt

This suite.control file tells steam to run one testcase "allinst", and the class file for "allinst" is ./class/allinst.class. The flag "-vlog" tells steam to run this test with executable defined by $VLOG_NAME (default is pj2vlog). If "-vlog" flag is not specified, steam will use executable defined by $VCS_NAME (default is pj2vcs) to run the test. The flag "-rt" tells steam that this test is "rt" type. For more information on "rt" and "rc" type of tests, please refer to building and running tests.

Before you run a test with steam, make sure you have steam on your path, a "suite.control" file in the current directory, and the class file for the test.

Syntax for using steam to run a single test is

steam $testcase [option]
To run the test "allinst" with no options, type command
steam allinst

In summary, the steps to use steam are:
1. change directory to where the test is.
2. make sure "suite control" exists. If it doesn't, please generate one.
2. make sure the test entry is in the suite control file.
3. run steam
4. examine the steam.log and test specific output for result.
5. examine the testcase.log file in the test specific directory for detail

The following example runs testcase "allinst" with option "flush" under directory $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/test/pico_vts/basic_java. The output is saved in the out_dir directory.

% cd $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/test/pico_vts/basic_java
% mkdir out_dir
% steam allinst -flush -outdir out_dir

The following example runs ias only.
% cd $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/test/pico_vts/basic_java
% mkdir out_dir
% steam allinst -ias -outdir out_dir

If you want to use steam to run all the tests in "suite.control" in the current directory, the syntax is

steam . [option]

The following is an example to run all tests under directory test/basic_java with option "flush" using default suite contorl file. The output is saved in the out_dir directory.

% cd $PICOJAVAHOME/$PROJECT/sim/test/pico_vts/basic_java
% steam . -flush -outdir out_dir

You can use a suite control file of a name other than "suite.control". You need to generate a new suite control file with the desired name. The easiest way is to copy an existing one and modify it. Then you run steam with -scf option to use the new suite control file.

steam . -scf new.control -outdir outdir

Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA. All rights reserved.

Last modified 24-March-1999