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The Xilinx FPGA architecture is best suited for synchronous design. Strict synchronous design ensures that all registers are driven from the same time base with no clock skew. The following sections outline several tips for producing high-performance synchronous designs.
Information about design size and performance can help you to optimize your design. When you place and route your design, the resulting report files list the number of CLBs, IOBs and other device resources available. A first pass estimate can be obtained by processing the design through the map program.
If you want to determine the design size and performance without running automatic implementation software, you can quickly obtain an estimate from a rough calculation based on the Xilinx FPGA architecture. See The Programmable Logic Data Book for more information on all Xilinx FPGA architectures.
Xilinx clock networks guarantee extremely small clock skew values. The following table lists the resources available for several Xilinx FPGA families.
FPGA Family | Resource | Number | Destination Pins |
XC3000A/L XC3100 XC3100A/L | GCLK | 1 | Clock |
XC4000E/L | BUFGP BUFGS | 4 4 | K, IK K, IK |
XC5200 | BUFG | 4 | Clock or Control |
Spartan/XL | BUFGP BUFGS | 4 | Clock |
Virtex, Spartan2 | BUFG | 4 | Clock |
Note: For global clock information about the XC4000XV and XC4000XLA device families, refer to the Xilinx website at http://www.xilinx.com/products/products.htm
XC4000 BUFGP and BUFGS also connect to control pin and logic inputs; however, for designs requiring extensive routing, there might be extra delay on these loads.
Other considerations for achieving a synchronous design include the following.
The timing diagram indicates that this implementation can lead to clock glitches; this can cause the flip-flop to clock at the wrong time.
The Synchronous Design Using Data Feedback figure shows a synchronous alternative to the gated clock using a data path. The flip-flop is clocked at every clock cycle and the data path is controlled by an enable. When the enable is Low, the multiplexer feeds the output of the register back on itself. When the enable is High, new data is fed to the flip-flop and the register changes its state. This circuit guarantees a minimum clock pulse width and it does not add skew to the clock. The XC4000, XC5200, Spartan2, and Virtex flip-flops have a built-in clock-enable (CE).
Cascading several small counters to create a larger counter is similar to a gated clock. For example, if two 8-bit counters are connected, the TC (terminal counter) of the first counter is a large AND function gating the second clock input. Using the CE input, you can create a synchronous design as shown in the following figure. In this case, the TC (terminal counter) of the first stage is connected directly to the CE of the second stage.