FPGA Editor GuideChapter 5: Working with Physical Macros
Moving Macros in Your Design
To move a macro with placed components to an unused group of sites, use the Swap command. When you move a placed macro by swapping, you save a step compared to unplacing the macro then placing it at the new location.
To move a macro to an unused group of sites, follow this procedure.
- Select the macro to move.
- Select an unused site for the macro's reference component.
The reference component and the selected site must be the same type of block that is, I/O block and I/O block, or logic block and logic block.
- Select Edit
The reference component moves to the unused site, and the other components in the macro move to maintain their positions relative to the reference component.
If the Automatic Routing Option is on, each macro's external pins are routed after the macro is placed. Also, any non-prerouted macro nets are automatically routed.