
Appendix A


This appendix contains definitions and explanations for terms used in this manual.

asynchronous debugging

Asynchronous debugging is an FPGA debugging mode in which you capture data without controlling your system clock.

BIT file

BIT file is a synonym for a bitstream file.

bitstream (BIT file)

A bitstream file is a stream of data that contains location information for logic on a device, that is, the placement of CLBs, IOBs, TBUFs, pins, and routing elements. The bitstream also includes empty placeholders that are filled with the logical states sent by the device during a readback. Only the memory elements, such as flip-flops, RAMs, and CLB outputs, are mapped to these placeholders, because their contents are likely to change from one state to another. When downloaded to a device, a bitstream configures the logic of a device and programs the device so that the states of that device can be read back.

A bitstream file has a .bit extension.


A block is a group consisting of one or more logic functions.

bottom-up design

Bottom-up design is a design methodology in which you complete the lowest level portion of your design first. Only after the low-level building blocks are complete do you finish higher-level hierarchical blocks in your design. This methodology is typically used with schematic capture programs.


A BUFT is a tristate buffer.

byte-wide PROM

A byte-wide PROM is a PROM that supplies data one byte at a time. It is used for master parallel mode configuration of FPGAs.

CCLK pin

The CCLK pin is the XChecker pin that provides the configuration clock for the device or daisy chain of devices during a download.

CLKI pin

This XChecker clock input pin connects the system clock to the XChecker cable. The frequency of this clock must be in the range of 120 kHz to 10 MHz. Connecting the system clock to the CLKI pin allows the Hardware Debugger to control the system clock so that snapshots are captured while the design is in a known state. If the clock source is external, the clock signal is connected to the CLKI pin; if it is internal, the clock signal is generated by the XChecker cable electronics.

CLKO pin

This XChecker clock output pin connects to the destination of the target system clock. Connecting the CLKO pin to the system clock allows the Hardware Debugger to control the system clock so that snapshots are captured while the design is in a known state.

clock input path

A clock input path starts at either an input of the chip or at the output of a flip-flop, latch, or RAM, and ends at any clock pin on a flip-flip or latch enable. The clock input path time is the maximum time required for the signal to arrive at the flip-flop clock input. Clock input paths help to determine system-level design timing.

clock skew

Clock skew is the difference between the time a clock signal arrives at the source flip-flop in a path and the time it arrives at the destination flip-flop. It is also referred to as clock delay.

critical path

A critical path is a signal in a section of combinatorial logic that limits the speed of the logic. Storage elements begin and end a critical path, which may include I/O pads.

daisy chain

A daisy chain is a concatenation of more than one bitstream. A PROM can be used to program several FPGAs connected in a daisy chain board configuration.


Debugging is the process of reading back or probing the states of a configured device to ensure that the device is behaving normally while in circuit.

DIN pin

In an FPGA, the DIN pin loads a bitstream in serial mode. On the XChecker cable, it provides the bitstream data and connects to the DIN pin of the target FPGA.

DONE (Spartan/XC4000/XC5200) pin

This pin is a dual function pin. As an input, it can be configured to delay the global logic initialization or the enabling of outputs. As an output, it indicates the completion of the configuration process.


For Virtex devices, this pin is called DONE_CFG.


Downloading is the process of configuring or programming a device by sending bitstream data to the device.

D/P (XC3000) pin

This pin is a dual function pin. As an input (PROGRAM), it initiates a reconfiguration of a configured device. As an output (DONE), it signals the end of configuration.


EDIF is an acronym for Electronic Data Interchange Format, an industry standard file format for specifying a design netlist. It is generated by a third-party design-entry tool.

EXORmacs (Motorola)

This is a PROM format supported by the Xilinx tools. Its maximum address is 16 777 216. This format supports PROM files of up to (8 x 16 777 216) = 134 217 728 bits.

external clock

An external clock is the system clock that XChecker uses from the target board during synchronous mode debugging. To use an external clock, connect the system clock to the XChecker cable using the CLKI pin and the XChecker clock to the FPGA device using the CLKO pin.


Fitting is the process of putting logic from your design into physical macrocell locations in the CPLD. Routing is performed automatically, and because of the UIM architecture, all designs are routable.

GND pin

A GND pin is a ground pin (0 volts).


A group is a collection of common signals to form a bus. In the case of a counter, for example, the different signals that produce the actual counter values can be combined to form an alias, or group.

guide file

A guide file is a previously placed and routed FPGA or fitted CPLD file that can be used in a subsequent place and route or fitting operation.


HDL is an acronym for Hardware Description Language. The most common HDLs in use today are Verilog and VHDL. They describe designs in a technology-independent manner using a high level of abstraction.


HEX is a simple text dump of the PROM data in HEX format. It has unlimited data capacity.

hold time

Hold time is the time following a clock event during which the data input to a latch or flip-flop must remain stable in order to guarantee that the latched data is correct.

INIT pin

An INIT pin is a device pin indicating when a device is ready to receive configuration data after power-up.


An instance is one specific gate or hierarchical element in a design or netlist. The term “symbol” often describes instances in a schematic drawing. Instances are interconnected by pins and nets. Pins are ports through which connections are made from an instance to a net. A design that is flattened to the lowest level constituents is described using primitive instances.

internal XChecker clock

The internal XChecker clock is internal to XChecker and can be applied by the XChecker CLKO pin to a device being debugged.

IOB (input/output block)

An IOB is a collection or grouping of basic elements that implement the input and output functions of an FPGA device.

.ll file

The .ll file is the logic allocation file, which indicates the bitstream position of storage elements such as latches, flip-flops, and IOB inputs and outputs. The Hardware Debugger uses this file to locate signal values inside a readback bitstream.

loading direction

Loading direction is the direction of the addresses in which data is stored on your PROM. In the Up direction, the data is stored in ascending order. In the Down direction, the data is stored in descending order.

logic icon

A logic icon is a graphical representation of a logic resource, such as a flip-flop, buffer, or register.

logic synthesis

Logic synthesis is a process that starts from a high level of logic abstraction (typically Verilog or VHDL) and automatically creates a lower level of logic abstraction using a library containing primitives.


Mapping is the process of assigning a design's logic elements to the specific physical elements that actually implement logic functions in a device.

MCS-86 (Intel)

MCS-86 is a PROM format supported by the Xilinx tools. Its maximum address is 1 048 576. This format supports PROM files of up to (8 x 1 048 576) = 8 388 608 bits.


A net is a logical connection between two or more symbol instance pins. After routing, the abstract concept of a net is transformed to a physical connection called a wire.

number of clock cycles

The number of clock cycles is the number of clocks that occur between snapshots. When capturing multiple snapshots during synchronous mode debugging, the number of snapshots is used as a trigger for capturing each snapshot.

one-to-one logic

In the context of Xilinx FPGA devices, one-to-one logic is the exact correspondence between the logic specified in the design entry phase and the logic implemented in the device. For example, if you draw three inverters in your design, there are three corresponding inverters in the programmed device. This correspondence makes back-annotation of timing delays very straightforward and ensures that there are no differences between your original design and the finished device.


Optimization is the process of transforming a design to decrease its area or to increase its speed performance.


A pad is the physical bonding pad on an integrated circuit. All signals on a chip must enter and leave by way of a pad. Pads are connected to package pins in order for signals to enter or leave an integrated circuit package.


A pin can be a symbol pin or package pin. A package pin is a physical connector on an integrated circuit package that carries signals into and out of an integrated circuit. A symbol pin, also referred to as an instance pin, is the connection point of an instance to a net.

place effort

Place effort is a user-controlled parameter that balances run-time with placement efficiency for the Flow Engine.


The placer is a utility that maps logic from your design into specific locations in the target FPGA chip.


Placing is the process of assigning physical device cell locations to the logic in a design.


A primitive is a logic element that directly corresponds, or maps, to a basic silicon component.


Probing is the process of examining the states of an FPGA device.

!PROG pin

A !PROG pin is an XChecker pin that provides a reprogram pulse to XC4000, XC5200, and Virtex devices when connected to the !PROG pin of the device.


Programming is the process of configuring an FPGA with a design.


PROM is an acronym for programmable read-only memory.

PROM file

A PROM file consists of one or more BIT files (bitstreams) formed into one or more datastreams. The file is formatted in one of four industry-standard formats: Intel MCS-86, Tektronics TEKHEX, Motorola EXORmacs, or HEX. The PROM file includes headers that specify the length of the bitstreams, as well as all the framing and control information necessary to configure the FPGAs. It can be used to program one or more devices.

RBT file

An RBT file is a raw BIT format file; the ASCII version of the BIT file.

RD pin

The RD pin is the XChecker readback data pin.


Readback is the process of reading the logic downloaded to an FPGA device. There are two types of readbacks.

route effort

Route effort is the user-controlled parameter that balances run-time with routing efficiency for the Flow Engine.


The router connects all appropriate pins to create the design's nets.


Routing is the process of assigning logical nets to physical wire segments in the FPGA that interconnect logic cells.


The RPM is the relationally placed macro, which is a macro that defines the on-chip spatial relationship of the primitives that constitute its logic.

RST pin

An RST pin is an XChecker pin that can be driven Low after configuration to reset the target FPGA internal latches and flip-flops.

RT pin

The RT pin is the XChecker readback trigger pin.


A schematic is a hierarchical drawing representing a design in terms of user and library components.


A script is a series of commands that automatically execute a complex operation such as the steps in a design flow.


SDF is an acronym for Standard Delay Format, which is an industry standard file format for specifying timing information. It is usually used for simulation.

serial PROM

A serial PROM is a PROM that is read one bit at a time.

setup time

Setup time is the time prior to a clock event during which the data input to a latch or flip-flop must remain stable in order to guarantee that the latched data is correct.


A snapshot is the readback data that contains the values of all storage elements, CLB outputs, and IOB inputs and outputs of a design at a point in time.


States are the values stored in the memory elements of a device (flip-flops, latches, RAMs, CLB outputs, and IOBs) that represent the state of that device for a particular readback. To each state there corresponds a specific set of logical values.

static timing analysis

Static timing analysis is a point-to-point delay analysis of a design network.

status bar

The status bar is an area located at the bottom of a window that provides information about the commands that you are about to select or that are being processed.

synchronous debugging

Synchronous debugging is a debugging mode in which you use the XChecker cable to have full control of the clock.


See logic synthesis.

TCK pin

A TCK pin is an XChecker pin. This output supplies clocks for a boundary scan port on an XC9500 device. The JTAG software must be used to drive the boundary scan port on the XChecker cable.

TDI pin

A TDI pin is an XChecker pin. This input receives data from the boundary scan chain. The JTAG software must be used to drive the boundary scan port on the XChecker cable.

TEKHEX (Tektronix)

TEKHEX is a PROM format supported by Xilinx. Its maximum address is 65 536. This format supports PROM files of up to (8 x 65 536) = 524 288 bits.


Timing is a process that calculates the delays associated with logic and routed nets.

timing constraints

Timing constraints are user specifications of the maximum allowable delay on any given set of paths in a design. Timing constraints can be entered on a schematic or in a user constraints file (UCF).

TMS pin

A TMS pin is an XChecker pin. This output drives the mode of the boundary scan state machine. The JTAG software must be used to drive the boundary scan port on the XChecker cable.


The toolbar is a field located under the menu bar at the top of a window. It contains a series of buttons that you click to execute some of the most commonly used commands. These buttons are an alternative to the menu commands.


The toolbox is a field located in the Design Manager main window. It contains a series of buttons that you click to invoke tools such as the Flow Engine, Timing Analyzer, Floorplanner, Hardware Debugger, PROM File Formatter, EPIC Design Editor, and JTAG Programmer.

top-down design

Top-down design starts a design with the highest level of abstraction and gradually designs underlying blocks until the complete design is implemented in the target technology. Top-down design is often technology-independent at the highest levels of design abstraction.

TRIG pin

A TRIG pin is an XChecker external trigger pin that causes the Hardware Debugger to initiate a readback of the device being debugged.


A trigger is an external signal that tells the Hardware Debugger to read a snapshot.


TTY is a textual command line interface.

universal interconnect matrix (UIM)

The UIM is the routing matrix for CPLD devices. This fully populated switching matrix allows any output to be routed to any input, guaranteeing 100% routability of all designs. The UIM can also function as a very wide AND gate, which can allow more logic to be placed in macrocells.

VCC pin

Power (5 volts).


Verification is the process of reading back the configuration data of a device and comparing it to the original design to ensure that all of the design was correctly received by the device.


Verilog is a commonly used Hardware Description Language (HDL). It can be used to model a digital system at many levels of abstraction ranging from the algorithmic level to the gate level.


VHDL is an acronym for VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHSIC is an acronym for Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits). It is a hardware description language that can be used to model a digital system at many levels of abstraction ranging from the algorithmic level to the gate level.


In the Hardware Debugger, a waveform is the graphical representation of one or more snapshots. Each snapshot represents a particular state of the memory elements of the device.

WIR file

A WIR file is an intermediate design file that the Viewlogic design tools generate.


In the PROM File Formatter, workspace is a frame and an empty data stream. When you add files into the data stream, the horizontal arrows indicate the concatenation of files.