
Deleting Objects

Deleting an object permanently removes it from the current design. You can delete these objects.

Delete objects from the database by selecting the appropriate objects, then use the Delete command.

Use the Delete command in any of the following ways.

The following sections describe the delete operations.

Deleting Components

When you delete a component, each net pin on the component is unrouted, each net pin is removed from its net, then the component is removed from the design database.


Do not use the Unplace command to delete an object.

To delete components use these steps.

  1. Select the components to delete.

  2. Select the Delete command.

The components are eliminated from the database. You cannot delete a component that is part of an instantiated macro (Design Mode only).

Deleting Nets

When you delete a net, all net pins on the net are unrouted, each net pin is removed from the design database, then the net itself is removed from the database.

To delete a net follow these steps.

  1. In the EPIC List dialog box, display a list of net names.

  2. Select the nets to delete.

    If you are not sure of the name of a net you want to delete, select a pin, ratsnest line, or route on the desired net. The signal name appears in the history area. You can also press the Shift key while you select any route segment on the net.

  3. Select the Delete command.

    The nets are eliminated from the database.

You can also delete a net by doing one of the following.

Deleting Net Pins

When you delete a signal pin, the pin is unrouted from the net to which it is attached, then the pin is removed from the net. A deleted pin no longer has any connection (logically or physically) to the net from which it was deleted.

To delete net pins follow these steps.

  1. Select the net pins to delete.

  2. Use the Delete command.

The net pins are removed from the nets to which they are attached and from the database.

Deleting Macros

Deleting a macro from the design is described in the “Deleting Macros” section of the “Working with Physical Macros” chapter.

Deleting Paths

When you delete a path, you remove the Define Path constraint that defines the path. You also remove all constraints that directly depend on the Define Path constraint, such as, Maxdelay Path.

To delete a path follow these steps.

  1. Select the path to delete.

    Select the path name in the EPIC List dialog box or enter the command Select Path [path_name] in the EPIC Command line dialog box.

  2. Select the Delete command.

The next time you save the design, the Define Path constraint that originally defined the path will be commented out in the constraints file.

Deleting Path Elements

You can delete nets or components from path definitions. When you delete them, they are not deleted from the design; they are only removed as elements in the path.

To delete nets or components from a path follow these steps.

  1. Select the nets or components to remove from the path.

  2. Enter the Delete Path [path_name] command.

    The [path_name] is the name of the path from which you will remove the nets or components.

    The selected nets or components are removed from the path definition. The next time the design is saved, the design's constraint file is modified, removing the selected nets or components from the Define Path constraint.
