
Understanding the Simulation Procedure

Perform the initial simulation by issuing the simulation commands manually instead of using a command file. Then, after defining the sequence of commands, save the log of the session in a command file and use this file to re-simulate the design whenever you make a design change. The sequence of steps in this chapter reflects this methodology.

The following shows a typical procedure for performing a functional simulation.

  1. Create the simulation network (VSM file).

  2. Start ViewSim.

  3. Load the VSM file into ViewSim.

  4. Simulate the device's startup sequence.

  5. Manually enter the simulation commands.

  6. Run a command file (optional).

  7. Start ViewTrace.

  8. View the waveforms produced by the simulation.

  9. Repeat steps 5, 6, and 8 until the design is verified.

The rest of the chapter discusses these steps in detail.
