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This appendix presents examples that demonstrate basic concepts of Foundation Express.
Using this circuit is one possible solution to a design problem. Given an 8-bit value, the circuit must determine two things:
The circuit must complete this computation in a single clock cycle. The input to the circuit is an 8-bit value, and the two outputs the circuit produces are the number of zeros found and an error indication.
A valid value contains only one series of zeros. If more than one series of zeros appears, the value is invalid. A value consisting of all ones is a valid value. If a value is invalid, the count of zeros is set to zero. An example follows,
A Verilog description and a schematic of the circuit are shown in the following example and figure.
module count_zeros(in, out, error);
input [7:0] in;
output [3:0] out;
output error;
function legal;
input [7:0] x;
reg seenZero, seenTrailing;
integer i;
begin : _legal_block
legal = 1; seenZero = 0; seenTrailing = 0;
for ( i=0; i <= 7; i=i+1 )
if ( seenTrailing && (x[i] == 1'b0) ) begin
legal = 0;
disable _legal_block;
else if ( seenZero && (x[i] == 1'b1) )
seenTrailing = 1;
else if ( x[i] == 1'b0 )
seenZero = 1;
function [3:0] zeros;
input [7:0] x;
reg [3:0] count;
integer i;
count = 0;
for ( i=0; i <= 7; i=i+1 )
if ( x[i] == 1'b0 ) count = count + 1;
zeros = count;
wire is_legal = legal(in);
assign error = ! is_legal;
assign out = is_legal ? zeros(in) : 1'b0;
This example shows two Verilog functions: legal and zeros. The function legal determines if the value is valid. It returns a 1-bit value: either 1 for a valid value or 0 for an invalid value. The function zeros cycles through all bits of the value, counts the number of zeros, and returns the appropriate value. The two functions are controlled by continuous assignment statements at the bottom of the module definition. This example shows a combinatorial (parallel) approach to counting zeros; the next example shows a sequential (serial) approach.
The following example and figure show a sequential (clocked) solution to the count zeros design problem. The circuit specification is slightly different from the specification in the combinatorial solution. The circuit now accepts the 8-bit string serially, 1 bit per clock cycle, using the data and clk inputs. The other two inputs follow.
The circuit's three outputs follow.
module count_zeros(data,reset,read,clk,zeros,is_legal,
parameter TRUE=1, FALSE=0;
input data, reset, read, clk;
output is_legal, data_ready;
output [3:0] zeros;
reg [3:0] zeros;
reg is_legal, data_ready;
reg seenZero, new_seenZero;
reg seenTrailing, new_seenTrailing;
reg new_is_legal;
reg new_data_ready;
reg [3:0] new_zeros;
reg [2:0] bits_seen, new_bits_seen;
always @ ( data or reset or read or is_legal
or data_ready or seenTrailing or
seenZero or zeros or bits_seen ) begin
if ( reset ) begin
new_data_ready = FALSE;
new_is_legal = TRUE;
new_seenZero = FALSE;
new_seenTrailing = FALSE;
new_zeros = 0;
new_bits_seen = 0;
else begin
new_is_legal = is_legal;
new_seenZero = seenZero;
new_seenTrailing = seenTrailing;
new_zeros = zeros;
new_bits_seen = bits_seen;
new_data_ready = data_ready;
if ( read ) begin
if ( seenTrailing && (data == 0) )
new_is_legal = FALSE;
new_zeros = 0;
new_data_ready = TRUE;
else if ( seenZero && (data == 1'b1) )
new_seenTrailing = TRUE;
else if ( data == 1'b0 ) begin
new_seenZero = TRUE;
new_zeros = zeros + 1;
if ( bits_seen == 7 )
new_data_ready = TRUE;
new_bits_seen = bits_seen+1;
always @ ( posedge clk) begin
zeros = new_zeros;
bits_seen = new_bits_seen;
seenZero = new_seenZero;
seenTrailing = new_seenTrailing;
is_legal = new_is_legal;
data_ready = new_data_ready;
The next design is a vending control unit for a soft drink vending machine. The circuit reads signals from a coin-input unit and sends outputs to a change-dispensing unit and a drink-dispensing unit.
Input signals from the coin-input unit are nickel_in (nickel deposited), dime_in (dime deposited), and quarter_in (quarter deposited).
Outputs to the vending control unit are collect (collect coins), to the coin-input unit; nickel_out (nickel change) and dime_out (dime change), to the change-dispensing unit; and dispense (dispense drink), to the drink-dispensing unit. The price of a drink is 35 cents.
The Verilog description for this design, shown in the following example uses a state machine description style. The description includes the state_vector directive, which enables Foundation Express to extract an equivalent state machine.
`define vend_a_drink {D,dispense,collect} = {IDLE,2'b11}
module drink_machine(nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in,
collect, nickel_out, dime_out,
dispense, reset, clk) ;
parameter IDLE=0,FIVE=1,TEN=2,TWENTY_FIVE=3,
input nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in, reset, clk;
output collect, nickel_out, dime_out, dispense;
reg collect, nickel_out, dime_out, dispense;
reg [2:0] D, Q; /* state */
// synopsys state_vector Q
always @ ( nickel_in or dime_in or quarter_in or reset )
nickel_out = 0;
dime_out = 0;
dispense = 0;
collect = 0;
if ( reset ) D = IDLE;
else begin
D = Q;
case ( Q )
if (nickel_in) D = FIVE;
else if (dime_in) D = TEN;
else if (quarter_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE;
if(nickel_in) D = TEN;
else if (dime_in) D = FIFTEEN;
else if (quarter_in) D = THIRTY;
if (nickel_in) D = FIFTEEN;
else if (dime_in) D = TWENTY;
else if (quarter_in) `vend_a_drink;
if( nickel_in) D = THIRTY;
else if (dime_in) `vend_a_drink;
else if (quarter_in) begin
nickel_out = 1;
dime_out = 1;
if (nickel_in) D = TWENTY;
else if (dime_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE;
else if (quarter_in) begin
nickel_out = 1;
if (nickel_in) `vend_a_drink;
else if (dime_in) begin
nickel_out = 1;
else if (quarter_in) begin
dime_out = 1;
if (nickel_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE;
else if (dime_in) D = THIRTY;
else if (quarter_in) begin
dime_out = 1;
dime_out = 1;
always @ (posedge clk ) begin
Q = D;
The following example uses the same design parameters as the previous example with the same input and output signals. In this version, a counter counts the number of nickels deposited. This counter is incremented by one if the deposit is a nickel, by two if it's a dime, and by five if it's a quarter.
module drink_machine(nickel_in,dime_in,quarter_in,collect,
input nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in, reset, clk;
output nickel_out, dime_out, collect, dispense;
reg nickel_out, dime_out, dispense, collect;
reg [3:0] nickel_count, temp_nickel_count;
reg temp_return_change, return_change;
always @ ( nickel_in or dime_in or quarter_in or
collect or temp_nickel_count or
reset or nickel_count or return_change) begin
nickel_out = 0;
dime_out = 0;
dispense = 0;
collect = 0;
temp_nickel_count = 0;
temp_return_change = 0;
// Check whether money has come in
if (! reset) begin
temp_nickel_count = nickel_count;
if (nickel_in)
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count + 1;
else if (dime_in)
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count + 2;
else if (quarter_in)
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count + 5;
// correct amount deposited?
if (temp_nickel_count >= 7) begin
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count - 7;
dispense = 1;
collect = 1;
// return change
if (return_change || collect) begin
if (temp_nickel_count >= 2) begin
dime_out = 1;
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count - 2;
temp_return_change = 1;
if (temp_nickel_count == 1) begin
nickel_out = 1;
temp_nickel_count = temp_nickel_count - 1;
always @ (posedge clk ) begin
nickel_count = temp_nickel_count;
return_change = temp_return_change;
The figure and example in this section show how to build a 32-bit carry-lookahead adder. The adder is built by partitioning of the 32-bit input into eight slices of 4 bits each. The PG module computes propagate and generate values for each of the eight slices.
Propagate (output P from PG) is 1 for a bit position if that position propagates a carry from the next-lower position to the next-higher position. Generate (output G) is 1 for a bit position if that position generates a carry to the next-higher position, regardless of the carry-in from the next-lower position.
The carry-lookahead logic reads the carry-in, propagate, and generate information computed from the inputs. It computes the carry value for each bit position. This logic makes the addition operation an XOR of the inputs and the carry values.
The following list shows the order in which the carry values are computed by a three-level tree of 4-bit carry-lookahead blocks (illustrated in the previous figure):
The third-level carry-lookahead block can process four second-level blocks. Because there are only two second-level blocks in the previous figure, the high-order 2 bits of the computed carry are ignored, the high-order 2 bits of the generate input to the third-level are set to 00 (zero), and the propagate high-order bits are set to 11. This causes the unused portion to propagate carries but not to generate them.
The following figure shows the three levels of a block diagram of the 32-bit carry-lookahead adder. The following example shows the code for the adder.
`define word_size 32
`define word [`word_size-1:0]
`define n 4
`define slice [`n-1:0]
`define s0 (1*`n)-1:0*`n
`define s1 (2*`n)-1:1*`n
`define s2 (3*`n)-1:2*`n
`define s3 (4*`n)-1:3*`n
`define s4 (5*`n)-1:4*`n
`define s5 (6*`n)-1:5*`n
`define s6 (7*`n)-1:6*`n
`define s7 (8*`n)-1:7*`n
module cla32_4(a, b, cin, s, cout);
input `word a, b;
input cin;
output `word s;
output cout;
wire [7:0] gg, gp, gc; // Group generate, propagate,
// carry
wire [3:0] ggg, ggp, ggc;// Second-level gen., prop.
wire gggg, gggp; // Third-level gen., prop.
bitslice i0(a[`s0], b[`s0], gc[0], s[`s0], gp[0], gg[0]);
bitslice i1(a[`s1], b[`s1], gc[1], s[`s1], gp[1], gg[1]);
bitslice i2(a[`s2], b[`s2], gc[2], s[`s2], gp[2], gg[2]);
bitslice i3(a[`s3], b[`s3], gc[3], s[`s3], gp[3], gg[3]);
bitslice i4(a[`s4], b[`s4], gc[4], s[`s4], gp[4], gg[4]);
bitslice i5(a[`s5], b[`s5], gc[5], s[`s5], gp[5], gg[5]);
bitslice i6(a[`s6], b[`s6], gc[6], s[`s6], gp[6], gg[6]);
bitslice i7(a[`s7], b[`s7], gc[7], s[`s7], gp[7], gg[7]);
cla c0(gp[3:0], gg[3:0], ggc[0], gc[3:0], ggp[0], ggg[0]);
cla c1(gp[7:4], gg[7:4], ggc[1], gc[7:4], ggp[1], ggg[1]);
assign ggp[3:2] = 2'b11;
assign ggg[3:2] = 2'b00;
cla c2(ggp, ggg, cin, ggc, gggp, gggg);
assign cout = gggg | (gggp & cin);
// Compute sum and group outputs from a, b, cin
module bitslice(a, b, cin, s, gp, gg);
input `slice a, b;
input cin;
output `slice s;
output gp, gg;
wire `slice p, g, c;
pg i1(a, b, p, g);
cla i2(p, g, cin, c, gp, gg);
sum i3(a, b, c, s);
// compute propagate and generate from input bits
module pg(a, b, p, g);
input `slice a, b;
output `slice p, g;
assign p = a | b;
assign g = a & b;
// compute sum from the input bits and the carries
module sum(a, b, c, s);
input `slice a, b, c;
output `slice s;
wire `slice t = a ^ b;
assign s = t ^ c;
// n-bit carry-lookahead block
module cla(p, g, cin, c, gp, gg);
input `slice p, g;// propagate and generate bits
input cin; // carry in
output `slice c; // carry produced for each bit
output gp, gg; // group generate and group propagate
function [99:0] do_cla;
input `slice p, g;
input cin;
begin : label
integer i;
reg gp, gg;
reg `slice c;
gp = p[0];
gg = g[0];
c[0] = cin;
for(i = 1; i < `n; i = i+1) begin
gp = gp & p[i];
gg = (gg & p[i]) | g[i];
c[i] = (c[i-1] & p[i-1]) | g[i-1];
do_cla = {c, gp, gg};
assign {c, gp, gg} = do_cla(p, g, cin);