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The principal design entity in the Verilog language is a module. A module consists of the module name, its input and output description (port definition), a description of the functionality or implementation for the module (module statements and constructs), and named instantiations. The basic structural parts of a module are illustrated in the following figure.
The following example shows a simple module that implements a 2-input NAND gate by instantiating an AND gate and an INV gate. The first line of the module definition declares the name of the module and a list of ports. The second and third lines declare the direction for all ports. (Ports are either inputs, outputs, or bidirectionals.) The fourth line in the description creates a wire variable.
The next two lines instantiate the two components, creating copies named instance1 and instance2 of the components AND and INV. These components connect to the ports of the module and are finally connected by using the variable and_out.
module NAND(a,b,z);
input a,b; // Inputs to NAND gate
output z; // Outputs from NAND gate
wire and_out;// Output from AND gate
AND instance1(a,b,and_out);
INV instance2(and_out, z);