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Verilog Reference Guide
Chapter 2: Description Styles

Mixing Structural and Functional Descriptions

When you use a functional description style in a design, you typically describe the combinatorial portions of a design in Verilog functions, always blocks, and assignments. The complexity of the logic determines whether you use one or many functions.

The example “Mixed Structural and Functional Descriptions” shows how structural and functional description styles are mixed in a design specification. In this example, the function detect_logic determines whether the input bit is a 0 or a 1. After making this determination, detect_logic sets ns to the next state of the machine. An always block infers flip-flops to hold the state information between clock cycles.

You can directly specify elements of a design as module instantiations at the structural level. For example, see the three-state buffer, t1, in the following example of mixed structural and functional descriptions.

Note: The three-state buffers can be inferred. For more information, refer to the “Three-State Inference” section of the “Register and Three-State Inference” chapter.)

You can also use this description style to identify the wires and ports that carry information from one part of the design to another.

// This finite state machine (Mealy type) reads one
// bit per clock cycle and detects three or more
// consecutive ones.
module three_ones(signal,clock,detect,output_enable);
input signal, clock, output_enable;
output detect;

// Declare current state and next state variables.
reg [1:0] cs;
reg [1:0] ns;
wire ungated_detect;

// declare the symbolic names for states

// ************* STRUCTURAL DESCRIPTION  *********** // Instance of a three-state gate that enables output
three_state t1(ungated_detect,output_enable, detect);

// *****************  ALWAYS BLOCK  **************** 
// always block infers flip-flops to hold the state of
// the FSM.
always @ (posedge clock) begin
   cs = ns;

// ************* FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ************
function detect_logic;
   input [1:0] cs;
   input signal;
      detect_logic = 0; // default value
      if ( signal == 0 ) // bit is zero
          ns = NO_ONES;
      else             // bit is one,increment state
         case (cs)
            NO_ONES: ns = ONE_ONE;
            ONE_ONE: ns = TWO_ONES;
                  ns = AT_LEAST_THREE_ONES;
                  detect_logic = 1;

// **************  assign STATEMENT  **************
assign ungated_detect = detect_logic( cs, signal );

To successfully synthesize a structural or functional HDL description, the description must conform to the three elements of Verilog synthesis.